Galaxy-ELIXIR webinar series

The Galaxy Community and ELIXIR organise a webinar series to demonstrate how open software and public research infrastructures can be used in analysing and publishing SARS-CoV2 data.

Session 1: April, 30th, 2020, 17.00-18.00
Introduction to Galaxy and the Galaxy workflows for SARS-CoV-2 data analysis

Session 2: May 7th, 2020, 17.00-18.00
Genomics/Variant Calling
Presentation of the initial analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, published on bioRxiv.

Session 3: May 14th, 2020, 17.00-18.00
Cheminformatics: Screening of the main protease
Presentation of the Galaxy workflow to identify candidate molecules for COVID-19 drug treatment, using molecular docking simulation

Session 4: May 20th, 2020, 17.00-18.00
Evolution of the Virus

Session 5: May 28th, 2020, 17.00-18.00
Behind the scenes: Global Open Infrastructures at work
This session will guide the participants how they can use the Galaxy compute capacities to run their own analysis.

For further information and registration (free of charge), see: